The Rose and the Ring
The Rose and The Ring is a satirical work of fantasy fiction written by William Makepeace Thackeray , originally published at Christmas 1854 (though dated 1855). [1] It criticises, to some extent, the attitudes of the monarchy and those at the top of society and challenges their ideals of beauty and marriage. Set in the fictional countries of Paflagonia and Crim Tartary, the story revolves around the lives and fortunes of four young royal cousins, Princesses Angelica and Rosalba, and Princes Bulbo and Giglio. Each page is headed by a line of poetry summing up the plot at that point and the storyline as a whole is laid out, as the book states, as "A Fireside Pantomime ". The original edition had illustrations by Thackeray who had once intended a career as an illustrator. Plot [ edit ] The plot opens on the royal family of Paflagonia eating breakfast together: King Valoroso, his wife, the Queen, and their daughter, Princess Angelica. Through the course of the mea